
How to sync Joplin?

2020年11月13日 — Joplin is great. You can use anything at all to sync the notes. I use syncthing, but have used gdrive, rsync, Dropbox and others fine.

Installing on Nextcloud

2021年8月14日 — The Nextcloud app is deprecated, you can only use Nextcloud as synctarget, but not for sharing. github.com/laurent22/joplin ...

Joplin : improve security of the Nextcloud link - Raven

2023年1月3日 — Give limited access to Joplin on your Nextcloud account · A - Set up your Nextcloud instance · B - Share your Joplin folder · C - Connect your ...

Mobile note taking with your private cloud

2018年3月20日 — Open source Evernote competitor Joplin introduced Nextcloud integration, making it easy for users to keep their notes to themselves.

Nextcloud synchronisation

In the desktop application or mobile application, go to the Configuration screen and select Nextcloud as the synchronisation target. Then input the WebDAV URL ( ...

Setup Joplin ?

2023年2月22日 — For Joplin to sync to nextcloud, download the Joplin application for your platform (mobile or computer) and select Nextcloud your ...

Sync to Nextcloud with encryption and without WebDav

2022年7月27日 — My ultimate goal is to have my Joplin notes encrypted using the Joplin encryption feature, and to have them synced continuously to my Nextcloud.

Syncing with Nextcloud using webdav

2022年12月31日 — If using nextcloud or webdav you just need to make a new folder and give Joplin that as its sync target. So my main Joplin profile might be ...

Work on Nextcloud related projects together with Joplin

2020年3月10日 — Joplin is an open-source cross-platform note-taking and to-do application. It can handle a large number of notes, organized into notebooks, and ...


2020年11月13日—Joplinisgreat.Youcanuseanythingatalltosyncthenotes.Iusesyncthing,buthaveusedgdrive,rsync,Dropboxandothersfine.,2021年8月14日—TheNextcloudappisdeprecated,youcanonlyuseNextcloudassynctarget,butnotforsharing.github.com/laurent22/joplin ...,2023年1月3日—GivelimitedaccesstoJoplinonyourNextcloudaccount·A-SetupyourNextcloudinstance·B-ShareyourJoplinfolder·C-Connectyour ...,2018年3月20...
